Thursday, June 26, 2014

This weeks weigh in and news regarding my hip

Weighed in on Monday at my normal class and definitely back in the game with a 6.5lb loss and a much needed boost to my journey and my mental state especially after the nightmare gain from the week before and me feeling like shit due to the pain caused by the arthritis.

Unable to go to the gym as I pulled up in the gym 5 minutes in to my normal session and it turned out I have a slight torn thigh muscle and only rest is the cure there but I'm determined to remain positive and not turn to food.

Recieved a phone call from Cappagh Hospital monday just gone and have managed to get a call to see a hip specialist which is a huge step for me and this will start the ball rolling and I hope to have a new hip within 6 months, had to go for an x-ray this morning in Kilkenny and I will know the full knowledge of the damage caused by the chronic inflammation caused by arthritis since my last x-ray 18 months ago.

I'm feeling good mentally and physically despite the injury and I hope to get any loss come Monday

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